Hound hunting is by all accounts an extreme sport. It is very demanding physically and mentally. That is why houndsmen need to be prepared for all situations. I have found that through the years there has been five essential pieces of equipment that have saved me time, frustration and long cold nights in the woods.
#1 Protective Clothing
The most important equipment I have are the clothes on my back and the boots on my feet. I have slogged through the mountains in cheap boots and wool pants and learned the hard way that this is one area not to cut corners. I now wear Rivers West Hunting & Outdoor Gear. I find this to be the best product for the price. The garments are light weight but durable. When lion hunting in the deep snow I wear the fleece lined jacket and pants. I now wear the Meindl Canadian boot for footwear. It is 100% waterproof and has a 11" upper so my feet stay dry in deep snow or if I have to walk through a shallow creek. I have owned these boots for five years and they have never let me down. The are also many other geat boots which have similar features
#2 Daypack
A good daypack is essential. I have the Badlands Superday. It is a 1920 ci pack that has both shoulder and waist suspension. The reason I chose this particular style of pack is due to the positioning of the pockets on the waist and the smaller pockets on the exterior. I affords easy access to ammunition, fire starter, GPS and lens cloth for my camera or binoculars.
#3 GPS
I have always relied on Garmin. I started out with an etrex and have upgraded severval times but have always gone back to Garmin. I now rely on my Astro for hound hunting and the 60Csx for other trips into the back country.
#4 Survival Kit
I have been criticized in the past for being over prepared. My pack is often a burden but it has saved me on more than one occasion when I had an unexpected overnight stay in poor weather. Everyone has their own idea of what to pack in case of an emergency but the important thing is you take something. A lighter in your pocket and some tissue may save your life if you become wet and lost in the winter months. I never go anywhere without something to start a fire and good headlamp.
#5 Spot
I have recently purchased a Spot GPS Satellite Messenger. This item is possibly the best investment I have made aside from my old bluetick Gunner! With a push of the button, this device will send a message to your family telling them you are OK or call the calvary if you have been hurt or have gotten lost.
I know there are many other useful items which make your hunting experience an enjoyable one. I often change up my equipment to fit the area I am headed into and the species I am after. Over the years, the items listed above have proven to be essential and are always with me. If anyone has any questions or suggestions about hunting equipment please share it with us in the comments section below. I always look forward to hearing from others about their experience.
For more information and great videos, photographs and more visit www.houndpoundn.com.
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